Monster Wiki
Count Orlok

Vampires are undead immortals who feed on the life essence of living creatures, usually the blood of Humans. Vampires are created when a Human is bitten and fed on to the point of death, at which point the Vampire offers its own blood for the Human to willinglly drink before dying from complete blood loss. The corpse then rises as a Vampire a few moments later.

Powers & Abilities

  • Superhuman Strength: Vampire possess unstoppable strength, able to lift objects hundreds of times their own weight, including people and vehicles, with ease.
  • Superhuman Speed: Vampires move with incredible celerity, to fast for the Human eye to see.
  • Superhuman Senses: Vampires can see, hear, and smell things Humans cannot. Able to hear whispered conversations miles away and smell the emotional state of Humans.
  • Superhuman Mentality: Vampires have an instant understanding and mastery of anything they incounter. This gives them many natural talents.
  • Superhuman Endurance: Vampires possess resistance to injury and fatigue.
  • Superhuman Agility: Vampires can scale sheer surfaces and have superhuman reflexes.
  • Healing Factor: Vampires can heal from most wounds, even those caused by knives and bullets.
  • Flight
  • Shapeshifting (mostly in to bats, but more powerful vampires can become wolfs, and mist as well)
  • Hypnosis

Vampiric Traits & Properties

  • Yellow Eyes: Vampires' eyes glow yellow when they are aroused, angered, frightned, threatned, hungry, or preparing to attack and/or feed. Their eyes have also been seen to glow red an certain occasions.
  • Claws: Vampires' hands and nails grow into simi-reptilian claws whenever they are aroused, angered, frightned, threatned, hungry, or preparing to attack and/or feed.
  • Blood Link: Vampires are one with the Vampire(s) they sire and are able to experience their emotions and senses, and vice versa. Unfortunatelly, if the sire or progeny is harmed or killed, the other member of the relationship will also suffer or even die.


File:Stakes and cross.jpg
  • Religious symbols (ie: crucifixes) have often been said to be useful against vampires.
  • Holy water is said to be useful.
  • A stake through the heart will reduce them to dust.
  • Decapitation is an effective way to stall vampires.
  • Sunlight can kill or at least weaken vampires.
  • Due to garlic's healing properties, it makes a great repellent.
  • Silver, being the metal of purity and holiness, is capable of injuring if not killing vampires.
  • While not a "weakness" per se, vampires can not enter a private dwelling (someone's home) without the person in charge (often the owner) permission. Once given permissoin one time, they can come and go anytime they want. This doesn't apply to public places like libraries and reusteraunt.