Monster Wiki

Vampire art

Vampires, also called Cold Ones, are powerful blood-drinking undeads who are dark in nature,corpses that drink the blood of the living to preserve their youth and power

They are the natural enemies of the Werewolf.


Everything about vampires invites humans in-their voice, their face, and their smell. They are inhumanly and irresistably beautiful and alluring, or hideous. They have very pale skin and have dark eyes. Their voice is mesmerizing. They have no body heat and their skin is ice cold due to the fact they're dead. Due to the fact they lack souls they have no shadows or reflections.


Blood is the only item in a vampire's diet and serves as both a nourishment and addiction to them. They have a hard time controling their thirst. They can eat food, however they gain no nutrition from it and eating food has been described as the equivalent of a human eating dirt. Most vampires drink human blood, their favorite and most nutritious, however they can fallow a "vegatarian" diet and drink animal blood.


Powers & Abilities

Vampires have superhuman strength, speed, durability, intelligence, agility, healing, senses, and endurance. Their superhumanly strong legs allow them to jump higher anf farther than any human that ever lived. They can see the eloctromagnetic and altraviolet spectrums as well as across long distances and at the microscopic level.


  • Vampires and many other types of undead are said to be vulnerable to fire.
  • Crosses have often been said to be useful against Vampires.
  • Holy water is said to be useful.
  • A stake through the heart will kill them.
    File:Stakes and cross.jpg
  • Decapitation is an effective way to kill vampires.
  • Sunlight can kill or at least weaken vampires.
  • Due to garlic's healing properties, it makes a great repellent.
  • Silver, being the metal of purity and holyness, is capable of injuring if not killing vampires.