Monster Wiki

Demons are immortal beings who are mostly hostile towards humans. Many of the greater demons appearing in ancient literature and religion were once greater angels and even pagan gods. There are some instances were humans and demons, such as Sucubi or Incubi, have fallen in love and mated, producing half-demons.

Powers & Abilities

  • Superhuman Strength: Demons are very strong, far stronger than humans.
  • Superhuman Speed: Demons can move and fly at teleportation-like speeds.
  • Superhuman Endurance: Demons can remain active for an unlimited period of time without tire or sleep.
  • Superhuman Agility: Demons can scale sheer surfaces, jump to great heights, and perform amazing acrobatic and parkour feats.
  • Teleportation
  • Magic
  • Telepathy
  • Invisability
  • Elemental Control: Demons can create and control fire, ice, shadow, light, and wind.
  • Animal Control: Demons can control bats and wolves.
  • Flight
  • Healing Factor
  • Phasing
  • Shapeshifting


Holy water: Holy water is acid to demons but does not kill the demon in small doses. In large doses however can cause server damage, if not death,

Solomon's Key(the heptagram): It is a powerful circle that when a demon is inside of it, the demon is rendered powerless and it cannot cross through the circle.

Salt: Salt is like acid to demons but does not weaken them,certain creatures are also weak against salt
